Take care of yourself.
Such a simple sentence. Yet, do many of us actually do this? Most of us, especially women, are too busy taking care of everyone else. But you are the most important person you can take care of. Without you, how are you going to be able to take care of someone else? If you fall ill or become diagnosed with a disease, how are you able to take care of your children? Your spouse? Your parents?
You have to take care of yourself. The average person puts on over 300 chemicals on their skin every single day. For women, 80 of those chemicals are before breakfast. Many of those chemicals are linked to cancer. Do you really want that for yourself, for your family?
It's time to cut the chemicals and start living a healthier lifestyle. Start by eating organic foods. This greatly reduces the pesticide and hormones in your system. Change out your cleaning supplies for Thieves cleaner. One bottle takes care of all my cleaning supplies. It only cost $1 per spray bottle to make. Throw away your candles and plug-ins. These are considered the top cancer producing item in the home, replace it with essential oils and a difffuser. Throw away your dryer sheets and replace them with wool dyer balls and essential oils. Dryer sheets can be cancer causing.
There are many more ways to reduce your chemicals in the home and if you'd like more information sign up for my newsletter. If you would like to start replacing these dangerous chemicals with a better alternative be sure to click the "Place an Order" tab at the top of the page.

Essential oils are fantastic for supporting healthy emotions.
Did you know that many mental health hospitals use Bergamot oil to help lift emotions for the patients?
Essential oils consist of Sesquiterpenes, found in high levels in essential oils such as Frankincense and Sandalwood, help to increase oxygen in the limbic system to the brain which in turn, "unlocks" DNA and allows emotional baggage to be released from cellular memory.
Bergamot is a fantastic oil to help support healthy emotions, feelings of doubt, feelings of unworthiness, feelings of sadness.
Frankincense is an oil that supports overall wellness and helps lift the mood and give feelings of security
Joy is a blend of essential oils that my daughter loves. This is her favorite oil. It is very uplifting and certainly gives the boost of joyful mood.
There are many oils that can help support and lift your mood, to find out be sure to sign up for my newsletter and if you'd like to purchase these oils be sure to click the "Place an Orde" tab at the top of the page.

Did you know that essential oils can help boost your immune system?
There are many oils that help support a healthy immune system. I use a number of oils to help with this type of support.
Thieves is my number 1 oil that I carry with me everywhere I go. It has saved us many times when we felt under the weather.
Ravin is especially great during winter time issues. This is the number 1 oil we recommend to patients during this time and many of them have stopped issues in its track. While many of their co-workers are struggling, our patients put on this oil and never have an issue.
RC, is great for respiratory support
Eucalyptus is also great to support healthy lung function.
Oregano vitality is an oil I keep on hand and at the first sign of something lurking, I make my grass fed bone broth with 1 drop oregano vitality and the next day I'm back to normal.
These are just a few oils that help support the immune system, the list goes on and on. If you'd like to find out more about these wonderful oils be sure to sign up for my newsletter and if you'd like to order oils, be sure to click the Place an Order tab at the top of the page.

Its funny how the Universe gives you the right things at the right time. Every succesful person has days where they just want to quit. Those days when it would just be easier to stop because its too hard. But you can't because there is something so deep inside you that keeps telling you to keep going.
What do you want in life? You can be anything you want in life. Only you determine what you are going to be, what you want and how you are going to do it. Only you determine if you did the job well. No one else can determine your fate. Only you decide.
You were created with purpose. You were created with magnificence. Who are you? Who do you want to be
"Do you want your life to truly take off?" Are you ready? Whats stopping you? Who or what are in your way? You're life will not change until you decide you want it to change. I made the choice. I made the change. And even though some days are hard I still make the choice. I am the change.
Stop procrastinating and choose a better life today. Choose freedom, choose happiness, choose life!
Contact me today and lets change your life!

I don't know about you but I love my fur babies. I do everything I can to make sure they are healthy and loved. So my cocker spaniel, Maggie is 14 years old. She's showing signs of age even though she still runs around acting like a pup. She's having a harder time getting up from a laying position, she's going a tad bit slower up the stairs, and she sleeps more. So as a momma does I try to create something to help ease that pain and help her have a little more spring in her step. Please note, I am not a veterinarian and you should consult your vet before giving your animals anything.

So the ingredients I use are Organic Coconut oil
Parsley flakes (fresh would be optimal, but dry is all I have on hand at the moment)
Copaiba vitality essential oil
Thyme vitality essential oil
Oregano vitality essential oil
Peppermint vitality essential oil

I heat the coconut oil on low heat. This will not take long. I have used about 1 1/2 cups of coconut oil here. I never use the microwave for anything.

Remove the coconut oil from the heat and let it cool slightly. Then I add the following to the coconut oil
20 drops Copaiba vitality oil
10 drops Thyme vitality oil
6 drops Peppermint vitality oil
6 drops oregano vitality oil.
These measurements are approximate. If you have a smaller dog you will want to use less. My cocker spaniel is about 25 pounds. I have a smaller Yorkie that I do about half the amounts for.

Add in about 3 tablespoons of parsley. Be sure to stir everything together.

Then I add the oil mixture to the silicon teddy bear molds (you can use anything, but this is what I had because I have kids). I put my silicon mold on a tray so that I can place them in the freezer so they harden up.

The finished product. I personally keep them in the mold and pop them out as I need with each meal. You can pop them out and place in a glass container and store in the fridge if you have a great container for it. Keep in mind to keep them in the fridge because they will melt as the room gets hotter. I usually give my cocker spaniel about 2 teddy bears per meal and she eats twice per day.