What’s the big deal anyway?
Why is it important to switch out all the toxic chemicals in our house hold? Well, lets talk about some of the facts today.  The #2 cause of death in the US is Cancer: 1,620 people die a day.  There are 1,685,000 new cases diagnosed each year (National Cancer Institute).  1 in 3 cases are directly linked to poor diet, physical inactivity or chemical exposure.  The American Cancer Society says 90-95% of cancer cases are outside our genes.  It’s what we allow in our home!  This impacts you on every front: your cleaning supplies, what you wash your family with, personal care items like toothpaste and deodorant, and what you eat.  Let’s look at chemicals in what you eat.

Look at this video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPirDWfxfKc.

Using oils is not a novelty item, it is LIFE SAVING!


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