What do you do with the essential oil bottles once they are empty?
Don't thrown them away. You can re-use them and gift them to friends and family. Let me show you how easy it is.

If you are like me, you have a ton of empty bottles from your essential oils. But don't thrown them away. Once they are empty, to get the maximum oil out of the bottle, simply pop the dropper off the bottle like so....

Stuff the bottle with either a small paper towel piece or a cotton ball. Then place the lid back on and let it sit for a day or two. This will absorb any of the oil that is remaining in the bottle. After a couple days (or thirty, because I forgot about them) take the cotton ball out and place it in your closet or old shoes. It will diffuse the remaining oil and this ensures you are not wasting money.
BUT WAIT.... don't throw the bottle away...there's more
Once you have taken all the oil out you can recycle the bottle. Simply prepare a bowel of warm water and a cap-full of thieves cleaner.

Then place all the empty bottles in the water for about 30 minutes (or an hour, because you got busy).

Once you have time to come back to it, simply peel the labels off the bottles and take the white ring off the bottle.
Then I like to let them air dry. I don't want to have any extra water in the bottle if that's not part of my recipe.

You can order these neat spray tops off amazon Spray bottle tops

You just cut them to fit your bottle

Once I have the right length for my bottle, create a fun room spray, or throat spray. For Christmas time I like to give out this recipe:
Winter Wonderland
2 Tablespoons witch hazel
5 drops Pine
3 drops Peppermint
3 drops Wintergreen
Then you have a finished product, you can put a nice label on it and maybe wrap a bow around it. Place it in a nice bag and share your oils with others!

To place your order for oils simply click the opportunity button on my site, www.oilydoc.net

I don't know about you but I hate cleaning my oven. It's such a hard job and I'd rather be out doing something fun.. not to mention that the chemicals to clean your oven are dangerous. But nonetheless it has to be done or my house just might burn down. Ha!
So how do you tackle cleaning the oven without the hazard? And if it's "safe" cleaning how hard am I going to have to scrub.....ugh....
You all know I love my Thieves Cleaner....so I have made a safe and surprisingly effective cleaning paste out of it.
We moved into a rental house and I don't think anyone has cleaned this oven since this house was built...see below

So I took baking soda and just enough Thieves cleaner to make it into a paste..not liquidity but you want to slather it on with out it dripping.

Then I took the brush and spread it all over the oven

Then I closed that door and forgot about the task ahead for about 15-30 minutes. Since this oven was so bad I did come in every 15 minutes and scrubbed a little but did not wipe any of it off yet

After about 30-45 minutes (I'm sure it would take less time for yours) it was ready to wipe off. I did have to put some elbow grease in certain places but surprisingly not many! This was so easy and so effective I urge you guys to do this next time.

Whats so scary about cleaning?
Truth is so much to be scared about with those commercial cleaning products. The number two cause of death in the United States is cancer. 1,620 people a day die of cancer. 1 in 3 cases in the US are directly linked to poor diet, physical inactivity, or chemical exposure.
The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health study says that there are 2,983 chemicals in our products at home and of that, 884 are toxic ingredients. 314 of them cause biological mutations, 218 caused reproductive problems, 778 were toxic to the human body, 146 are chemicals they know cause cancerous tumors but they were still allowed in the US even though they are banned in other countries around the world. Even common organic cleaners are known to have some known carcinogens that are naturally derived.
26 seconds after exposure, chemicals are found in measurable amounts inside the human body. The average woman applies 500 chemicals to her body every single day and 80 of those are before breakfast!
The top 10 most dangerous chemicals in our home are air fresheners and plug-ins or candles. Second on the list is cleaning supplies. One of the top pollutants in your home is your dryer sheets!
What happens when your body is chemically overloaded?
You may see it in something as catastrophic as cancer. Most people will see it in other ways such as lethargy, inability to focus, sleep trouble, chronic inflammation, unexplained pain, Fibromyalgia, skin issues, hormone imbalances, stress, anxiety etc. You can control what you allow in your home!
There are over 100,000 chemicals on the market today. The tax acceptance control act of 1976 grandfathered them in. Since 1940's prostate cancer has increased by 200%, thyroid cancer up by 155%, brain cancer 70%, breast cancer 60% and childhood cancer by 35%.
Guys you need to take this seriously! No one is watching your home but you!
So what do you do?
1. Throw away your candles, plug-ins and air fresheners! Replace them with essential oils and diffusers.
2. get rid of dryer sheets. Purchase dryer balls and put essential oils on them. This will save you money in the long run!
3. Throw away your chemical cleaners and replace it with essential oil cleaners! Like thieves cleaner, which I absolutely love!!!
If you want to join me in a chemical free life sign up on my team and I will personally guide you! www.oilydoc.net

Need a midnight snack without the guilt?
I love cream cheese. I think that it has beneficial fat for every cell in your body including your brain. So if you want the yumminess of cream cheese without the sugar content here is what you do:

Take a brick of cream cheese and place in your blender
1 tablespoon of Raw Cacao powder (need a source click here to purchase https://www.facebook.com/pg/backtonaturelifestylemedicine/shop/?ref=page_internal)
Stevia to taste
1 drop peppermint vitality
blend these together until it is smooth and enjoy!
Raw cacao is so good for you. It is full of minerals and vitamins and is an excellent mood enhancer.

What is this golden liquid?
Ever heard of oil pulling? It gaining more popularity lately, however its been around for many years! It is originally used in Ayruvedic medicine to naturally clean and detoxify your gums and teeth. Combined with essential oils it may help fight against harmful bacteria in your mouth.

What is oil pulling?
The simple meaning is the act of swishing oil ( I use organic coconut oil) in your mouth for at least 20 minutes to help improve your oral health. The great thing about this is it is gentle, effective and natural way to help dissolve plaque and produce healthier gums and whiter teeth.
How did I make mine?
I filled the bowel with coconut oil. Placed the bowel in warm water to melt the oil. Once it was all melted I took it out of the warm water. I added 1 teaspoon organic turmeric (from the farmers market), 15 drops of Thieves vitality, 3 drops Oregano vitality and 5 drops peppermint vitality. Mixed all this together and let harden. This makes it easy to come in and spoon out a mouthful of oil to swish around each day.
You can create your own concoction or just do straight coconut oil. Have fun!