I get complements on my hair often. My hair is something that I take pride in. For as long as I can remember I have tried everything to keep it full, soft and lovely. Often times I get asked what I do. So here are some pointers from me.
First and foremost I eat right. I eat organic whenever possible. You can only have true beauty from the inside out. If you are not treating your insides properly it will show on the outside. This is true for both hair and skin. You are what you eat.
Second, I make sure that I drink reverse osmosis water. I work hard on a daily basis to make sure I am not consuming toxins. This includes the water I drink. Did you know that fluoride and chloride will push iodine out of your body? Some of you are harming your body on a daily basis just by drinking water and brushing your teeth. You won’t have beautiful hair if your thyroid is shot; you need iodine for a healthy thyroid. Drink and cook with reverse osmosis water. This ensures that you are not consuming harmful chemicals into your system. Purchase a dechlorinator from Amazon for your showers and bathtubs. This will provide safe bathing water and you won’t be absorbing these harmful chemicals on your skin.
Third, I do not blow dry my hair. I air dry my hair for a couple reasons. By air drying my hair it allows it to dry softer. Another reason, to reduce my exposure to harmful EMF radiation. EMF is around us all the time, so any time that I can reduce this I will. EMF in itself is dangerous and will change the structure of our DNA resulting in disease.
Fourth, I do a weekly hair mask. I want to lock in the moisture of my hair and supply it with nutrients for healthy looking hair. The following hair mask I found from Young Living and it is amazing!

• 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
• 4 tablespoons water
• 3 tablespoons honey (Honey helps softens and condition hair to help it feel silky. Honey may also help strengthen hair follicles and calm the scalp.)
• 1 tablespoon coconut oil (Coconut oil helps moisturize, hydrate, and condition the hair. It can help prevent breakage and control frizz.)
• 6 drops Patchouli essential oil (Patchouli has a relaxing, calming aroma and can help promote healthy-looking hair.)
Melt the coconut oil and honey. Mix all ingredients in a bowl until smooth. Apply the mask onto your hair and let it sit for 15 minutes. Rinse off the hair mask with 2–3 washes of water or shampoo and conditioner if desired. Enjoy your silky, conditioned hair!
• 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
• 4 tablespoons water
• 3 tablespoons honey (Honey helps softens and condition hair to help it feel silky. Honey may also help strengthen hair follicles and calm the scalp.)
• 1 tablespoon coconut oil (Coconut oil helps moisturize, hydrate, and condition the hair. It can help prevent breakage and control frizz.)
• 6 drops Patchouli essential oil (Patchouli has a relaxing, calming aroma and can help promote healthy-looking hair.)
Melt the coconut oil and honey. Mix all ingredients in a bowl until smooth. Apply the mask onto your hair and let it sit for 15 minutes. Rinse off the hair mask with 2–3 washes of water or shampoo and conditioner if desired. Enjoy your silky, conditioned hair!

So I hate posting pictures of me in this type of state, but for this blog I want you to know what it looks like and how it feels.
I will warn you that it is very messy and sticky. So my suggestion is to apply this over the sink so that if any drips while applying it, you won’t have a large clean up afterwards.
For me, I just put it up in a bun to keep it off my shirt. Some of you may want to wrap it in a towel to prevent drips. Leave it on your hair for about 20-30 minutes.
It will take several times to shampoo to get all of the honey and coconut out of your hair. So just keep that in mind. For me, it took about 3 rinses but its worth it.

The results are that my hair is super soft and very shiny. This is something that I am totally doing each week.
The Oily Doc

Your homes are more toxic than outside air. That's right! You live in toxins and it could be causing major health issues.
Spring is approaching and that means lawn work. Did you know that 100 Million pounds of chemicals are used by homeowners every year...on lawns....
These dangerous lawn chemicals make their way into your homes, contaminating indoor air and surfaces and exposing children to levels 10 times higher than pre-application levels! As a result these toxins cause issues such as ADHD, ADD, sleep disturbances, behavior problems, headaches, allergies, concentration issues, and many major diseases.
A study by the CDC of 9,282 people nationwide, found pesticides in 100% of people who had both blood and urine tested. The average person carried 13 of 23 pesticides tested.
The top 10 most dangerous chemicals in our homes are air fresheners like plug ins or candles. 2nd on the list is chemical cleaning supplies for your counters and floors and toilets. As well as drain and oven cleaners and furniture polish. Dishwasher soap, beauty supplies and perfume, personal care products. Hair spray, gels, shampoo and soap, deodorant. One of the top pollutants in your home is laundry soap and dryer sheets. You washed your clothes, it sits on your skin, it out gasses in your closet. (Environmental protection agency top 10 killer household chemicals.)
There are 100,000 chemicals on the market today. The tax acceptance control act of 1976 grandfathered them in. So what does that mean to you? Well, simply put, these chemicals haven't had any safety testing. We know very little information about their side effects. Of the chemicals that were tested, toxic labeling Is only required if 50% or more of the animals tested die. I’m not willing to take a 50% chance with my family. Under the TSCA manufacturers are protected by secret trade laws that allowed them to keep their ingredient list a secret.
Since the 1940’s prostate cancer is up 200%, thyroid cancer is up 155%. Brain cancer up 70%, breast cancer up 60%, childhood cancer is up 35%. The American cancer society estimates at 50% rise in cancer rate by 2020. There is a standard set for nonindustrial building by OSHA for chemical exposure. For formaldehyde it’s .75 ppm—not even 1%. Yet the average home has an astonishing 50 ppm! That’s 50 times what’s allowed but its not regulated. 409 registers 1000 ppm! Its no wonder the air inside your home is 5-7 times more toxic than outdoor air quality. Household chemical cleaning was a 7 billion dollar industry in 2007.
What do you do?
Instead of treating your lawn with dangerous chemicals, grow an organic lawn and nourish it.
Minimize the toxins in your home by throwing away your disease causing plug-ins and candles. Instead replace them with organic natural essential oils and a diffuser.
Stop using harmful chemicals to clean your home. Instead replace everything with a bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner. One capful makes a whole spray bottle of cleaner. It’s all I use for our home.
Eat organic foods. You don't want to consume pesticides, herbicides and harmful chemicals in your foods.
Start making the changes today for a healthier family tomorrow!

There is a lot of talk recently about people having low immune systems for one reason or another. Not in my household. First we make sure to eat a clean diet. Eating clean reduces inflammation and chemicals in your body. This is major, especially if you have an underlying health issue.
Next we make sure that we are taking whole food organic supplements. We can not possibly get everything we need in our diet, simply because our soils are depleted of all things good for us.
Next, we use essential oils daily! We diffuse all day long, we apply them to our body and we sometimes boost the room with a spray. If I want to spray a door knob or bathroom down to make sure all the yuck is gone, I do NOT grab Lysol. I grab my homemade, safe essential oil spray that creates an environment that germs don't appreciate.

In a glass spray bottle, you want to combine purified water and an emulsifier. I have a small bottle of vodka as my emulsifier. You can also use witch hazel.

Fill you bottle with purified water and the vodka just to the rounded part of the neck.

Next, I put in my essential oils. I put in about 15 drops of Thieves, 10 drops lemon, 8 drops Eucalyptus and 10 drops Purification. This will ensure all germs stay at bay and gives you a great immune boost as you breathe it in.
To order yours, be sure to click the “place an order” tab at the top of the page or visit https://www.myyl.com/oilydoc. If you’d like 24% off discount for life be sure to sign up as a member or contact me to discuss the best option for you.

Men, lets talk! We love your beards! But we would love them even more if you paid a little more attention and care to them!
If you are a man with a manly beard I’m sure you want to make sure it looks the best it can. Plus, I’m sure you would like a little more kisses from your misses.
If your beard is scratchy you can guarantee we won’t want to get close. So, to ensure that you have a soft, full beard and one that smells amazing lets combine a beard oil for you!

You want to start with a carrier oil that is organic. Because I don’t want any chemicals touching me or my children. So to combine my husband’s oil I use organic jojoba and organic grapeseed oil. This will add a lovely softness to your beard.

Start with a glass bottle to combine all your ingredients in. Here we have a 1 oz bottle. Fill your bottle half with jojoba and the remaining half with grapeseed oil. But be careful not to fill it past the beginning of the rounded part of the bottle. This will ensure that you do not spill over.

There are many combinations of essential oils that you can use for your oil. I like my man to have an outdoor scent. To me it is manly and fresh. For every 1 oz bottle you have you want to combine about 12-15 drops of essential oil. Here I have Valor, Peppermint, Tea
Tree, Lavender, Rosemary, Black
Pepper. You can also add in Cedarwood, and Wintergreen. Play with it and come up with a scent you know she will love. For this combination I added 2 drops per oil to the mixture.

Make sure you shake it well to combine all the ingredients. Put a good amount of the oil on your beard daily for softness and a wonderful scent that will draw her in!.
To purchase your oils be sure to click the “place an order” tab at the top or visit https://www.myyl.com/oilydoc. If you’d like to get your oils at a 24% discount for life be sure to sign up as a member or contact me and we can discuss what option is best for you!

Lets talk skin ladies. I don’t know about you but I want to have ravishing, glowing skin even in the winter. It is possible to have beautiful skin in the driest of weather. Here is a skin regmen that I love to do on a daily basis and my skin loves me for it.

This is my favorite body oil combination. Of course you can combine whatever pleases you but here is my suggestion. You want a good organic base oil, like Jojoba. There are other base oils such as coconut oil, almond oil, grapeseed oil. Just make sure you are getting organic because you don’t want to add any chemicals, pesticides or yuck to your beautiful skin. For this combination I have Cypress, Frankincense, Patchouli and Lavender.
Make sure you have a glass bottle that you will be combining all your ingredients in. You want to make sure it is glass and not plastic.

Fill your glass bottle almost to the top of the bottle with your carrier oil. You want to make sure you fill it just to the start of the rounded part of the bottle neck. This ensures that you will not spill over, and this is the true measurement of your bottle. For instance, I’m using a 1 oz bottle and that measurement is just at the rounded part of the bottle.

Now for the fun part. When making a body oil you want to make sure that you use between 12-15 drops of essential oil per oz. You don’t really want to go over that amount. Since I have a 1 oz bottle and I have 4 essential oils I will use 3-4 drops maximum of each oil.

Make sure to shake the contents to make sure it is all combined well. I personally use this oil every night all over my body, even my face, right after I get out of the shower. Use it daily and your skin will thank you!
To order your oils visit the “place an order” tab at the top of the page. If you are interested in getting your oils at discount be sure to sign up as a member or contact me and we can discuss what option is best for you!